Current state:
Mama Jungle's Refugio is looking for investors, in order to implement a systemic approach to
improve the general wellbeing of indigenous populations. The following challenges were
identified as the biggest needs for our Circuit:
1. Medical materials and diagnostic equipment being easily accessible in each region
2. Education: This includes maintaining kids through highschool and increasing the adult
literacy rate.
3. Domestic Violence
4. Legalized doctors for child rape cases- the wait-list is a year long (1 legal dr per region)
5. Fair trade exports of agricultural goods and artesanal projects.
6. Deforestation: drying up of water- shortages in villages (unhygentic)
After observing and organizing with many different villages with the Ashanika Nation these have
been deemed the most necessary problems to focus on, which is why we combine social
assistance through environmental education. Living among the indigenous I know they want to
preserve their culture; exporting the jewelery and medicinal practices and textiles that are hand
crafted in women's circles, as well as their agricultural products such as: coffee, cacao, tumeric,
dried medicinal herbs, citrics, and bananas helps family lineages. By supporting in direct sales
to invest in a multiple generations of a family, and ensure their year long efforts are
Success State:
These challenges are opportunities for our company to be the best in its class. While change
happens one person at a time, we have processes and tools that can facilitate change across
groups and the organization. Over the last decade, this curriculum has helped service indigenous
families from the most remote villages as well as hundreds of street kids. In 2020 we donated 3 months
of this curriculum to the Restored to Dream nonprofit in St Petersburg, where we served and
rehabilitated 33 human trafficking survivors. It is for this reason we want to build this sanctuary
space to be able to provide long term assistance to the most vulnerable. Not only is it important to
have a solid program, but also a good network to rely on. The following are local associations to
help you reach your desired outcomes:
1. Group therapy: DMT, Team building exercises, creative arts therapy
a. Yoga Curriculum - Yoga Alliance school accreditation Program
i. Access to international network of resources:
1. Kidding Around Yoga
2. Canta y Baile Conmigo
3. Music together
ii. Creative Dance Company
iii. Quest diagnostics
iv. Traveling nurses
The success lies within the repetition of the material, which is why families are encouraged to
have a residential learning experience. There are portions of the curriculum that are online or
independent reading assignments to expand their vision into grander worldly understanding.
The ecology opportunities will teach people the process of harvesting coffee, cacao trees, cotton
as well as other exotic organic fruits.