PROPOSAL FOR: Psychosomatic Trauma Recovery Program
Catherine Pappas, aka Remi Storm, founder of Mama Jungle's Refugio, is pleased to submit
this proposal to whom it may concern. This is a proven program which originated as
multigenerational schools in indigenous communities based along the Amazon jungle of Peru,
as well as with street children I found along my travels. Then it became more concrete as I
donated the first three months of the curriculum as Restored to Dream was getting started. This
is a recovery program where I used this curriculum with children who had been rescued from
being human trafficked. This has been used successfully in the reuniting of families.
Mama Jungle's Refugio is a 9 month Kreative Kinections program with its pillars in:
transpersonal ecology, philosophy, and creative arts therapy. The foundation of this program is
an alternative education method called Pedagooogia 3000, popular in South America.
Pedagooogia 3000, is a transitional school, based on the new characteristics of today's Youth.
The curriculum focuses on creativity in 7 different forms considered the "7 Petals:"
1. Physical Development and exercise
2. Articulated "in context" and Fun cognition
3. Emotional, social, multicultural, peace culture
4. Arts, Beauty and bio agriculture
5. Deep Ecology
6. Hands on Applied sciences: community service
7. Personal Development: Self Science
I included in my program Yoga and Dance Movement therapy, as the form of creative
expression for a psychosomatic approach to guide families into a reunification process from
generational trauma. This program is structured as a homeschooling curriculum for kinesthetic
learners, for a total of 9 months. Throughout this duration the families will have opportunities to
learn together and complete communal tasks, while also having specialized workshops
separating parents and children.
Peru is a country where education standards are very low. Adult literacy rates are also low and
this would provide an empowering opportunity for all. Peru also has a high population of teen
parents in indigenous populations, as well as children being raised by grandparents or aunts
and uncles or older siblings because their parents take jobs in far provinces in order to provide
for their children. This form of multi generational learning works as a mentor system, to work as
scaffolding for the new learners.
We will provide a psychosomatic Kreative Kinections program to integrate families through:
Alternative Education
Transpersonal Ecology
Creative Arts Therapy
These services will include:
Service #1: Intake evaluation
This evaluation will not only asses mental state, but asks about chronic bodily pains,
previous diagnosis and medical history, medications, and dietary needs, their will be a
daily intake of three questions to see where everyone is starting emotionally
Service #2:
9 month Kreative Kinections Program-Yoga is the oldest form of Dance
Movement therapy (DMT) along with circle dances. In this group therapy setting we will
go through yoga's 8 fold path to practice good moral conduct and release trauma held in
muscle memory.
Service #3:
Mentor Program/Buddy Program: implementing a normalcy plan through a
multiple approach model that includes: reading program, day trips/outings, rides to
extracurricular events or sports, etiquette classes, confidant