Resources we will Use Based on your desired outcomes, this program will be delivered as a workshop over a period of
9 months and will include the following curriculum from Kreative Kinection, with the following
Dance Movement Therapy (DMT):
Bend into Shape Yoga Manual Written by Vrndavana Mani
Interactive online course found under the online course tab of the main website"
Dancing in the Trees- by Vrndavana Mani
The Yoga- CBT Workbook for Anxiety: Total Relief for Mind & Body - written by
Julie Greener- Ferris and Manit Kaur Khalsa
Canta y Baile Conmigo Classes
Music Together Classes
The Body Keeps the Score
Enjoy Life Club techniques (formerly trained)
Effortless Creation: The Ultimate Course on your Manifesting your Goals- written
by Hale Dwoskin
Plant a tree with local Police Enforcement
Membership pases to museums, themed parks, etc
Forest school Curriculum- to learn about healthy boundaries and reconnect with
God's Creation the nature world
"The Kid's Nature book" by Susan Milord
A year of Forest School by Jane Worroll and Peter Houghton
A variety of animal fact book I have
Secret Garden's project to be used as a de-escalation technique and to teach
how basic needs are met
Pedagooogia 3000 - the 7 Petals program that uses creativity and ecology to
learn about oneself within the environment